Full Name: White, John
Other Names:
- White, John E. C. T.
Gender: male
Date Born: 1924
Home Country/ies: United Kingdom
Subject Area(s): Italian (culture or style), Italian Renaissance-Baroque styles, and Renaissance
Italian Renaissance scholar. White attended Trinity College, Oxford University. During World War II he served as a pilot in the Royal Air Force. After the War he studied at the Courtauld Institute of Art. He held a junior fellowship at the Warburg Institute for two years before teaching at the Courtauld, first as a lecturer in 1952 and later as a Reader. In 1958 he published an important article in the Art Bulletin on the Raphael cartoons at Windsor Castle with fellow Courtauld colleague John Kinder Gowran Shearman. In 1959 he became Pilkington Professor of the History of Art at the University of Manchester and concomitantly Director of the Whitworth Art Gallery there. In 1966 he was appointed Professor and Chairman of the Department of the History of Art, Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore,. That same year he published the volume on art and architecture of the early Italian renaissance for the prestigious Pelican History of Art series. He held that position until 1971 when he returned to England to be Durning-Lawrence Professor of the History of Art and Vice Provost of University College, London. He retired in 1990.
Selected Bibliography
The Birth and Rebirth of Pictorial Space. London: Faber and Faber, 1957; Probleme und Methoden der Klassifizierung. Vienna: H. Böhlau, 1985; Art and Architecture in Italy, 1250 to 1400. Pelican History of Art 28. Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1966; Studies in Renaissance Art. London: Pindar Press, 1983;
- Pieter Bruegel and the Fall of the Art Historian 56th Charlton Lecture, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1980;
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Kleinbauer, W. Eugene. Modern Perspectives in Western Art History: An Anthology of 20th-Century Writings on the Visual Arts. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1971, p. 48 mentioned; Bazin, Germain. Histoire de l’histoire de l’art; de Vasari à nos jours. Paris: Albin Michel, 1986, p. 221.