Full Name: Müller-Wiener, Wolfgang
Other Names:
- Wolfgang Karl Heinz Albert Müller-Wiener
Gender: male
Date Born: 1923
Date Died: 1991
Home Country/ies: Germany
Subject Area(s): archaeology, architecture (object genre), Byzantine (culture or style), Medieval (European), and sculpture (visual works)
Archaeologist and architectural historian of the Byzantine era.
Selected Bibliography
Bildlexikon zur Topographie Istanbuls : Byzantion, Konstantinupolis, Istanbul bis zum Beginn d. 17. Jh.. Tubingen: Wasmuth, 1977; and Gerkan, Armin von. Das Theater von Epidauros. Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer, 1961; Burgen des Kreuzritter. Berlin: Deutscher Kunstverlag, 1966, English, Castles of the Crusaders. London: Thames & Hudson,1966.
[obituaries:] Schirmer, Wolfgang. “Wolfgang Müller-Wiener.” Architectura 21 no. 1 (1991): 1-2; Koenigs, W. “In Memoriam Wolfgang Müller-Wiener 17.5.1923 – 25.3.1991.” Istanbuler Mitteilungen 41 (1991): 13-16.