Full Name: Jucker, Hans
Gender: male
Date Born: 1918
Date Died: 1984
Place Born: Mogelsburg, Switzerland
Place Died: Bern, Bern, Switzerland
Home Country/ies: Switzerland
Subject Area(s): Antique, the, Classical, and Roman (ancient Italian culture or period)
Specialist in classical Roman art. First recipient of the Schweizer Institut in Rome (Swiss Institute in Rome) fellowship in 1946. Professor at the University of Bern 1957-. Jucker and Giovanni Becatti were among the first to show the extent Roman art was indebted to Greek artists for the late Republic and early empire.
Selected Bibliography
Das Bildnis im Blätterkelch – Geschichte und Bedeutung einer römischen Porträtform. 1961.
Archäologenbildnisse: Porträts und Kurzbiographien von Klassichen Archäologen deutscher Sprache. Reinhard Lullies, ed. Mainz am Rhein: Verlag Philipp von Zabern, 1988: 323-324; Brilliant, Richard. “Introduction.” Roman Art: from the Republic to Constantine. New York: Phaidon, 1974, p. 16, mentioned.