Full Name: Hubert, Jean
Other Names:
- Jean Hubert
Gender: male
Date Born: 1902
Date Died: 1994
Home Country/ies: France
Co-founder Cahiers Archeologiques with André Grabar. Hubert wrote several volumes of the Arts of Mankind series. Hubert was an archivist and conservator of antiquities in the department of Seine-et-Marne in France until 1955. He played a considerable role in the “Save French Art” campaign, fighting a long battle to have French monuments considered “minor” recognized and saved.
Selected Bibliography
L’art pré-roman. Paris: Les éditions d’art et d’histoire, 1938; and Porcher, Jean, and Volbach, Wolfgang Fritz. L’Europe des invasions. Paris: Gallimard, 1967, English, Europe of the Invasions. New York: G. Braziller, 1969; Nouveau recueil d’études d’archéologie et d’histoire, de la fin du monde antique au Moyen Age. Geneva: Droz, 1985; and Lantier, Raymond. Les origines de l’art français. Paris: G. Le Prat, 1947; and Stein, Henri. Dictionnaire topographique du département de Seine-et-Marne, comprenant les noms de lieu anciens et modernes. Paris: Impr. nationale, 1954; and Porcher, Jean, and Volbach, Wolfgang Fritz. L’Empire carolingien. Paris: Gallimard, 1968, English, The Carolingian Renaissance. Arts of Mankind 13. New York: G. Braziller, 1970, [British version translated at “Carolingian Art”].
Thirion, Jacques. Cahiers Archeologiques 43 (1995): 4-7