Full Name: Heredia Moreno, Maria del Carmen
Gender: female
Date Born: 1830
Date Died: 1890
Place Born: Seville, Andalusia, Spain
Place Died: Villaviciosa de Odón, Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid, Spain
Home Country/ies: Spain
Subject Area(s): Baroque, metal, metalwork (visual works), metalworking, Spanish (culture or style), and twentieth century (dates CE)
Institution(s): Universidad de Alcalá
Spanish Art Historian. She received undergraduate degrees in philosophy and English at the University of Seville. Heredia Moreno wrote her doctorate thesis La orfebrería en la Provincia de Huelvaat the University of Seville as well in 1976 receiving her doctorate in Art History. During this time, she began teaching at the university as an assistant professor at the Chair of History of Hispanic-American Art. Between the years of 1976 and 1983, she was an interim adjunct professor in the Art department of the University of Navarra. At the University of Alcalá, she was a professor in the department of history and art history and was a faculty member of philosophy and English in which she taught many subjects such as history of baroque art, History of spanish art from 1600 to 1750, and Imagination, Creativity and Form in Modern Spain. Her research and investigation were focused on Spaniard and Hispanic silversmith artworks. She also researched the study of cataloging, guilds, and study of artistic heritage.
Selected Bibliography
- And García Gainza, María Concepción with others. Catálogo monumental de Navarra (v. I-II* and III) Merindad de Pamplona: Príncipe de Viana,1980, 1982, 1984, 1985;
- La orfebrería en la provincia de Huelva. Huelva: Diputación Provincial, 1980;
- “La Custodia del Corpus de la Catedral Magistral de Alcalá de Henares, una posible interpretación del templo de Salomón” Boletín del Seminario de Arte y Arqueología de la Universidad de Valladolid. Valladolid: Universidad de Valladolid , 1998, pg 326-336;
- Lopez-Yarto, Amelia. La Edad de Oro de la Platería Complutense (1500-1650). Madrid: Instituto de Historia, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2001;
- De Arfe Villafañe, Juan and Serlio, Sebastiano. Archivo Español de Arte. Alcalá de Henares: Universidad de Alcalá 2003;
- De Obre Sivatte, Mercedes and De Orbe Sivatte, Asunción Arte Hispanoamericano en Navarra :plata, pintura, y escultura. Pamplona : Gobierno de Navarra, Departamento de Educación y Cultura, 1992;
- Varias tabaqueras de plata del siglo XVIII. Pamplona: Principe de Viana / Diputación Foral de Navarra, 1986;
- “Arquetas nobiliarias de la segunda mitad del siglo XVI para el servicio de la Iglesia”. Archivo Español de Arte. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Departamento de H. del Arte “Diego Velaźquez”, Centro de Estudios Históricos, 2010;
- M. Borrás Gualis Gonzalo, and Pacios Lozano Ana Reyes. Diccionario De Historiadores españoles Del Arte. Madrid: Cátedra, 2006;
- Perez Alonso, Aiskoa. “Heredia Moreno, María Carmen – Auñamendi Eusko Entziklopedia.”. Accessed January 19, 2021. http://aunamendi.eusko-ikaskuntza.eus/eu/heredia-moreno-maria-carmen/ar-58836/;
- “Maria del Carmen Heredia Moreno” WorldCat Identities. Accessed November 3 2020. https://www-worldcat-org.ezproxy.uindy.edu/search?qt=worldcat_org_all&q=Maria+del+Carmen+Heredia+Moreno+
Contributors: Sofia Silvosa