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Gómez-Moreno, María Elena

    Image Credit: Mirador de Atarfe

    Full Name: Gómez-Moreno, María Elena

    Gender: female

    Date Born: 28 January 1907

    Date Died: 15 December 1998

    Place Born: Granada, Andalusia, Spain

    Place Died: Madrid, Spain

    Home Country/ies: Spain

    Subject Area(s): architecture (object genre), sculpture (visual works), and Spanish (culture or style)

    Institution(s): Instituto Diego Velázquez del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto Escuela de Madrid, and Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando


    Architectural- and art historian. Gómez-Moreno was the daughter of the famous art historian Manuel Gómez-Moreno Martínez Manuel Gómez-Moreno Martínez and followed in his footsteps. She went to la Universidad Central and studied philosophy and literature. She was then licensed in “Ciencias Historicas” and became an assistant professor at the Instituto Escuela de Madrid in 1924. She traveled to Tunisia, Malta, Egypt, Crete, Cypress, Palestine, Turkey, Greece, Italy and Sicily in 1933. During the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) she took various positions as a summer term professor in la Junta de Ampliacion teaching courses for foreign students (1932-1936), was a technical assistant in the Junta de Salvamento del Tesoro Artístico. She also ran various conferences in the Prado Museum of Madrid and various institutes in Spain. In this period, she was also selected as a member of the Hispanic Society of New York because of her work as a Spanish Art professor at the Smith College club in Spain (1951-1956). She was a member of the Diego Velázquez Institute of the CSIC (1957-1968). In 1959, she also became the director of the Vega-Inclán Foundations (which includes the House and Museum of El Greco). In 1970 she also collaborated with the publication of her father’s biography and in 1996 published a monograph dedicated to him. To honor her father’s work further, she and her sisters collaborated in extending and overlooking their father’s large archaeological, artistic and documentary collection. Because of this exemplary work, her sisters and her were awarded with a Medal of Honor by the  Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando in 1973. She then was named an honorary academic of this corporation in 1990.

    Selected Bibliography

    • Breve Historia De La Escultura Española. Madrid: Dossat, 1935;
    • Un cuaderno de dibujos inéditos de Goya. Madrid: Archivo español de arte, 1941;
    • Juan Martinez Montañes. Barcelona:  Ediciones Selectas, 1942;
    • Gregorio Fernández. Madrid: Instituto Diego Velázquez, CSIC, 1953;
    • Alonso Cano: Estudio y Catálogo De La Exposición Celebrada En Granada En Junio De 1954. Madrid: Direccion General de Bellas Artes, 1954;
    • Anuario Guía De Los Museos De España. Madrid: Ministerio de Educación Nacional, Dirección General de Bellas Artes 1955;
    • “Las miniaturas de la Biblia visigótica de San Isidoro de León”. Archivos Leoneses revista de estudios y documentación de los Reinos Hispano-Occidentales XV. Archivo Histórico Diocesano de León (1961): 77-85;
    • Escultura del siglo xvii, Madrid: Editorial Plus-Ultra, 1963;
    • Visita a la casa y museo del Greco y Sinagoga del Tránsito de Toledo. Madrid: Fundaciones Vega-Inclán, 1966;
    • Catálogo de las pinturas del Museo y Casa del Greco en Toledo . Madrid: Fundaciones Vega- Inclán, 1968;
    • Guía del Museo Romántico. Madrid: Fundaciones Vega-Inclán, 1970;
    • and Jesús Bermúdez Pareja. Bibliografía De Don Manuel Gómez Moreno: Homenaje En El Centenario De Su Nacimiento. Madrid: R.A. de B.A. de San Fernando, 1970;
    • Pintura y escultura españolas del siglo xix, Madrid: Espasa Calpe, 1993;


    Contributors: Sofia Silvosa


    Sofia Silvosa. "Gómez-Moreno, María Elena." Dictionary of Art Historians (website).

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