Full Name: Giglioli, Giulio Quirino
Gender: male
Date Born: 1886
Date Died: 1956
Home Country/ies: Italy
Subject Area(s): ancient, Classical, Etruscan (culture or style), and Roman (ancient Italian culture or period)
Art historian of classical Roman and Etruscan art; associated with Fascism in Itlay. Giglioli studied under Emanuel Löwy and Rodolfo Lanciani. He fought as a solider in World War I. While on leave, he published the Apollo of Veii in 1916. After the war, he occupied the chairs of ancient topography, beginning in 1923, and classical art history, 1925, at the University of Rome. He was elected a city councilor and in 1935, parliamentary deputy to Rome. As an art historian, he worked on excavations as well as the restorations of the Mauoleum and Forum of Augustus. He published the Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum fascicules for the Villa Giulia and the Capitoline Museum. He also issued a major study of etruscan art, Arte etrusca, 1935. All this required in the 1930s an allegiance to fascism and Mussolini. After Mussolini’s fall in 1943, Giglioli returned to his chair at the University, founding the classical studies journal Archeologia Classica in 1948. His teaching inspired students including Massimo Pallottino, who went on to be one of the founders of Etruscan studies as a discipline.
Selected Bibliography
L’arte etrusca. Milan: Fratelli Treves, 1935; Arte greca. 2 vols. Milan: F. Vallardi, 1955; Corpus vasorum antiquorum. Italia. Museo nazionale di Villa Giulia in Roma. 1925ff. 1-3, 64; Corpus vasorum antiquorum. Italia. Musei capitolini di Roma. 1962, 36, 39.
Ridgway, F. R. “Giglioli, Giulio Quirino.” Encyclopedia of the History of Classical Archaeology. Nancy Thomson de Grummond, ed. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1996, vol. 1, pp. 502