Full Name: Dortu, M. G.
Other Names:
- Madeleine Grillaert Dortu
Gender: female
Date Born: unknown
Date Died: unknown
Home Country/ies: France
Subject Area(s): French (culture or style) and Impressionist (style)
Career(s): art collectors
Toulouse-Lautrec scholar and collector. President of the Society of Friends of the Albi Museum (France). Wrote the catalogue raisonné of Toulouse-Laurtec’s work.
Selected Bibliography
Toulouse-Lautrec et son ouevre. Les Artists et leurs oeuvres: Etudes et documents. Ed. by Paul Brame and C. M. de Hauke. 6 vols. New York: Collectors Editions, 1971; and Huisman, Philippe, Lautrec by Lautrec. Translated and edited by Corinne Bellow. New York: Viking Press, 1964; and Adhémar, Jean. Toulouse-Lautrec en Belgique. Paris: Quatre Chemins – Editart, 1955.
mentioned, Artnews 62, no. 10 (February 1964): 5.