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Dollmayr, Hermann

    Full Name: Dollmayr, Hermann

    Gender: male

    Date Born: 1865

    Date Died: 1901

    Home Country/ies: Austria

    Subject Area(s): Italian (culture or style), Italian Renaissance-Baroque styles, and Renaissance


    Art historian of the Italian Renaissance; student of Wickhoff; after his untimely death, Wickhoff edited his dissertation for publication. Dollmayr’s 1898 remarks that the study of Hieronymous Bosch should focus on his view of eschatology were the inspiration for a study of Bosch by Ludwig von Baldass in 1943.

    Selected Bibliography

    [dissertation:] Giulio Romano und das classische Alterthum. Vienna, 1888, edited and life of Romano written by Wickhoff, Franz. Vienna: F. Tempsky, 1901; “Raffaels Werkstätte.” Jahrbuches der Kunsthistorischen Sammlungen des Allerhöchsten Kaiserhauses 16 (1895); Hieronymus Bosch und die Darstellung der vier letzen Dinge in der niederländischen Malerei des XV. und XVI. Jahrhunderts. Vienna: [s. n.], 1898.


    Baldass, Ludwig. “Hieronymous Bosch: his Image of the World.” in Synder, James, ed. Bosch in Perspective. Engelwood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1973, p. 62; [obituary:] Wickhoff, Franz. “Hermann Dollmayr.” Jahrbuch der Königlich Preussischen Kunstsammlungen 22, no. 4 (1901).


    "Dollmayr, Hermann." Dictionary of Art Historians (website).

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