Full Name: del Conde, Teresa
Gender: female
Date Born: 12 January 1938
Date Died: 16 February 2017
Place Born: Mexico City, Lea, New Mexico
Place Died: Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico
Home Country/ies: Mexico
Subject Area(s): eighteenth century (dates CE) and psychoanalysis
Institution(s): Museo de Arte Moderno
Mexican art critic, art historian, docent, and curator. Terresa del Conde studied psychology, and art history in the School of Philosophy and Letters (UNAM). There, she received her bachelor’s degree in psychology, her master’s degree in art history, and her doctorate in history. Her research in psychology, specifically in psychoanalysis, would later influence her work in art history.
Throughout her career she was always close to famous groups of painters and sculptors who emerged at the end of the 1970s such as the Castro Leñero brothers Alberto, José, Francisco and Miguel, Irma Palacios, Manuel Marín, and Miguel Ángel Alamilla. She was also friends with other art historians, most notably with Ernst H. Gombrich. She was a disciple and correspondent of his that spanned a little over four decades. When he died in 2003, she published a heartfelt profile of Gombrich in the Institute of Aesthetic Research.
She became an adjunct teacher at the university in 1975 while she was completing her doctorate. She had the honor to direct the area of “Artes Plásticas” (Plastic Arts) of the INBA from 1981 till 1988. During this time, in 1986, she published her doctoral thesis in psychology Las ideas estéticas de Freud. Her thesis was later published as a book thanks to her scholarship from the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation.
Three years after her time directing the area of “Arte Plasticas” of the Museo de Arte Moderno in Mexico City, she was appointed director. As director, she led several outstanding exhibitions such as the Venetian Settecento and the Aspects of 18th-century Venetian painting exhibitions. In this period, she was also pursuing her journalistic work. She worked in various publications during her time like Uno Mas Uno and the magazine Vuelta. She also worked as an opinion columnist for the newspaper La Jornada where she wrote works such as Goya, San Carlos: La leocadia de Goya.
In her academic publications, she heavily researched the artists José Clemente Orozco and Frida Kahlo with works like Jose Clemente Orozco: antologia critica (1983) and Frida Kahlo: la pintora y el mito (2004). Furthermore, she continued to publish works that integrated her studies of psychology and art history that studied art through a psychoanalytical lens with works like Freud y la psicología del arte (2006). In 2002 she was awarded the National Award for Art Criticism ‘Luis Cardoza y Aragón.’ She received the INBA Gold Medal in 2008 and the Recognition Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz award for her extraordinary contributions to higher education.
Selected Bibliography
- [ and Calvo, Franco Enrique. ]. Historia Mínima Del Arte Mexicano En El Siglo XX. México, D.F.: ATTAME Ediciones, 1994;
- Una Visita Guiada: Breve Historia Del Arte Contemporáneo De México. México: Plaza y Janés, 2003;
- Frida Kahlo: La Pintora y El Mito. Barcelona : Plaza y Janes, 2004;
- [ and Castro Fernando Pacheco, Enrique Franco Calvo, and Tessa Corona del Conde.]. Fernando Castro Pacheco: Color e Imagen De Yucatán. Mérida, Yucatán, México: Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, Dirección General de Extensión, 1994;
- Jose Clemente Orozco: Antologia Critica. México: UNAM, 1983;
- Felguérez: Los Bordes De Una Trayectoria. Red Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas, 2006;
- Ernst H. Gombrich. Red Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas, 2001;
- MPBA: Museo Del Palacio De Bellas Artes. México, D.F.: MPBA, 2012;
- Freud y La Psicología Del Arte. México: DeBolsillo, 2006;
- MacMasters , Merry. “Fallece La Intelectual Teresa Del Conde.” La Jornada, February 17, 2017. https://web.archive.org/web/20170217145059/http://www.jornada.unam.mx/ultimas/2017/02/16/fallece-la-intelectual-teresa-del-conde;
- De Aviesa Intención. Psicoanálisis e Identidades En El Arte Mexicano. Homenaje a Teresa Del Conde. Museo de Arte Moderno, n.d. https://mam.inba.gob.mx/de-aviesa-intencion-psicoanalisis-e-identidades-en-el-arte-m;
- ”Ernst H. Gombrich.” Red Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas, 2001;
- Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas, UNAM, and IIE – UNAM Departamento de Cómputo. “Instituto De Investigaciones Estéticas.” Inicio. Accessed March 1, 2021. http://www.esteticas.unam.mx/teresa_conde
- ;
- Pérez, D. M. “Muere La Historiadora Del Arte Mexicana Teresa Del Conde, Madrina De La Generación De La Ruptura.” EL PAÍS. Síguenos en Síguenos en Twitter Síguenos en Facebook Síguenos en Instagram, February 18, 2017. https://elpais.com/cultura/2017/02/17/actualidad/1487350290_593178.html.
Contributors: Sofia Silvosa