Full Name: Corroyer, Edouard
Gender: male
Date Born: c. 1837
Date Died: 1904
Home Country/ies: France
Subject Area(s): Medieval (European) and nineteenth century (dates CE)
Medievalist, wrote the important scholarship in the nineteenth century on Mont-Saint Michel. Henry Adams, in his Mont-Saint Michel and Chartres, mentions Corroyer in the opening pages of the book.
Selected Bibliography
Description de l’abbaye du Mont Saint-Michel et de ses abords précédée d’une notice historique. Paris, Dumoulin, 1877.
- Collection de rapports, dessins, plans et photographies rassemblés par Edouard Corroyer, Archives départementales de la Manche. http://www.archives-manche.fr/ark:/57115/a011441798225mbTnr5, 28 Fi 1-240.
- Corroyer, Edouard [Collated], Institut national d’histoire de l’art. https://www.inha.fr/fr/ressources/publications/publications-numeriques/dictionnaire-critique-des-historiens-de-l-art/corroyer-edouard.html.
Contributors: Emily Crockett and Lee Sorensen