Full Name: Cormack, Robin
Gender: male
Date Born: unknown
Date Died: unknown
Home Country/ies: United Kingdom
Subject Area(s): Byzantine (culture or style) and Medieval (European)
Career(s): educators
Courtauld Institute Byzantinist. Cormack entered the Courtauld initially to study empirical positivism in art history. He studied with Anthony Blunt, Johannes Wilde, John Kinder Gowran Shearman, George Zarnecki, Peter Kidson, and Christopher Hohler, and, at the Warburg Institute, Hugo Buchthal. His dissertation was written under Cyril A. Mango.
Selected Bibliography
[complete bibliography:] “Bibliography of Robin Cormack’s Published Works.” Eastmond, Anthony, and James, Liz, eds. Icon and Word: The Power of Images in Byzantium: Studies Presented to Robin Cormack. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate, 2003, pp. xxi-xxviii; Writing in Gold: Byzantine Society and its Icons. New York: Oxford University Press, 1985; Byzantine Art. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000; and Paskaleva-Kabadaieva, Kostadinka Georgieva. Icons from Bulgaria from the 9th to the 19th Centuries: an Exhibition Presented by the Scottish Arts Council and the Peoples’s Republic of Bulgaria in Association with the Visiting Arts Unit. Edinburgh: Scottish Arts Council, 1978; and Jeffreys, Elizabeth. Through the Looking Glass: Byzantium through British Eyes: Papers from the Twenty-ninth Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, London, March 1995. Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate/Varorium, 2000.
Elsner, Ja?. “Robin Cormack.” in, Eastmond, Anthony, and James, Liz, eds. Icon and Word: The Power of Images in Byzantium: Studies Presented to Robin Cormack. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate, 2003, pp. xvii-xxviii.