Full Name: Brisac, Catherine
Gender: female
Date Born: unknown
Date Died: 1991
Home Country/ies: France
Subject Area(s): Medieval (European), paintings (visual works), and stained glass (visual works)
Medieval stained glass scholar; student of Louis Grodecki, succeeded him at Musée des Plans-Reliefs.
Selected Bibliography
[all] and Groecki, Louis. Le vitrail gothique au XIIIe siècle. Fribourg, SW: Office du livre, 1984; English: Gothic Stained Glass, 1200-1300. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1985; Le vitrail roman. Fribourg: Office du livre, 1977; English: A Thousand Years of Stained Glass. Translated from the French by Geoffrey Culverwell. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1986.
[obituary] Stained Glass 87 (Spring 1992): 56-7; Gauthier, M. Revue de l’Art. no. 94 (1991): 90.